Explore PrestaShop 1.7 the Latest Version for eCommerce Store

Explore PrestaShop 1.7 the Latest Version for eCommerce Store

Looking for a platform to enhance your business by creating an online store? Then you are in the right place. Keep reading, this one will definitely help you.

PrestaShop is one of the world’s most popular e-commerce platforms and most successful open-source programs. It is a global community that helps e-commerce stores run online.

More than 270,000 online stores run on PrestaShop technology. If you are someone who wants to establish an online e-commerce business, then nothing could be better than PrestaShop for you. You can create your own store in just a couple of hours. From giving you expert advice to letting you customize your store on your own, PrestaShop offers everything to its customers. If you are a beginner, then you can go for expert help provided by them who will help you create your store in any way. These experts are the professionals or the agencies hired by the company who help you create your e-commerce store. If you are an experienced person in this field, then you can go for the custom-made option and create your fully customized online store.

Amazing Features with Professional PrestaShop Development

PrestaShop 1.7 is the latest version of PrestaShop which has come with some amazing and enhanced features. Created under their expert and professional development team, this version offers you
everything that you need with high security and is completely free of cost. PrestaShop 1.7 provides a more
secure environment for module developers as well as merchants.

What’s new?

Here are the main features of this new version of PrestaShop:

RTL support

The new version of PrestaShop offers right to left language support. Along with back office and classic themes, the RTL styles sheet generation for front office themes has also been introduced.
This amazing feature automatically converts any front office theme to be RTL compatible which is important for languages like Arabic, Persian, etc.


This feature helps provide high-scale security as it keeps track of license
information in the blockchain and also authenticates the codes of the PrestaTrust enabled modules.

Create product page faster and easier

A lot of quick actions, shortcuts, and automatic management features are added to make it easier for the merchants to add products to their catalog. These features allow the merchants to add the product stock information in bulk instead of one by one and it is very easy and convenient.

Multiple features of the same type

Earlier, it was not possible to have more than one attribute of the same type for a product. This feature was much requested by the merchants and therefore has been now added.

Back office navigation

The UI/UX experience has been improved and the back office has been refreshed making it easier to browse. The navigation menu has been made more clear and well organized.

A new set of demo products

PrestaShop has got a modern face as a whole new set of demo products have been added to be friendly with the people who come from conservative cultures and highlight lesser-known features such as
product customization.

Have control over your data

You can handle your store data by yourself. PrestaShop 1.7 can be downloaded and installed on your local computer. You can have full access to your data by an import/export tool that backups your data and helps you move it around as you need.

Time of shipping and delivery

This is one of the most awaited features to be added to PrestaShop. Merchants now have to display the estimated delivery date of an item on the product page. You can either add a default value for all the products or different values for different products. The changes can also be made according to the estimated time if the product is in stock or out of stock.

Symfony framework

Forgiving your projects a more solid base and opening it up to a much bigger
developer community, PrestaShop 1.7 is migrating to PHP symphony framework. New pages have been added and also, the debug toolbar has been improved with a hooks section.

Many famous companies such as Kulte, Ferraris, Mes-Bijoux.FR, etc use PrestaShop 1.7. Numerous skilled developers are available for you to create your online store in no time. Migration in PrestaShop is much easier than anyone can think of. Whether you are using any other e-commerce software currently available, you can easily switch to PrestaShop with Cart2Cart, which is their official migration partner. So what are you waiting for? Go get your online store on PrestaShop 1.7 for an amazing experience and showcase your products to the world.

Skilled PrestaShop Developer

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