Why hype over Gutenberg a WordPress Editor

Why hype over Gutenberg a WordPress Editor?

Get ready to explore the latest in WordPress 2018! Better pictures, impressive word formation, and superb layout design are all at your fingertips without any coding.

Hard to believe right?

Gutenberg WordPress

Well, the surprise is known as ‘Gutenberg WordPress’. This new revolutionizing project has the potential to bring about the biggest difference in handling everyday workflows. The Gutenberg editor utilizes blocks for content creation. It has replaced more than half a dozen ways earlier used to customize WordPress. This WordPress developer has made things in alignment with modern coding standards and open web initiatives. Expect a completely different way of interacting with users, developers, and hosts with WordPress, thanks to the content blocks! The end result is rich web content, intuitive in nature, and easier to understand. Irrespective of the technical ability, this beaver builder has been democratizing publishing.


As specified above, Gutenberg is a new editor used for WordPress. It got its name from Johannes Gutenberg, the man who invented the printing press which was movable 500 years ago. The present visual editor needed a maximum number of users to use shortcodes and HTML for making things work. With the main aim to make this task easier, especially for beginners with WordPress, Gutenberg was invented. Right now, they are using little blocks to which they plan to add more advanced options to the layout.

What are the blocks?

The term ‘blocks’ is used several times when we talk about Gutenberg. So what exactly blocks are? They are basically a unified way to draft the content that is presently dependent on shortcodes, widgets, embeds, custom post types, post formats, theme options, and many other formatting elements. These blocks allow rich customization even in absence of in-depth knowledge of code on WordPress. Thus offering a clear and consistent user experience.

Procedure to install Gutenberg

Procedure to install Gutenberg

The procedure to install Gutenberg is simple but it is a stepwise process. Presently this plugin has more than 5,000 active installs and 91,000+ total downloads. As far as rating is concerned, it has managed to bag a 2.5-star rating out of 5. In order to use it, WordPress 4.9.5 version is required. The latest version of Gutenberg can be downloaded from the WordPress repository or by exploring the dashboard of your WordPress. It comes under ‘Add new’ plugins. Our suggestion is to install this on a test site or use it on the host’s staging environment.

Different Stages of Gutenberg

Different Stages GutenBerg

Gutenberg comprises three well-planned stages. The first one is WordPress 5.0 which concentrates on the overall post-editing experience and execution of the blocks to the required site. This stage focus on a content-first approach. The blocks are used in a manner that permits focusing on the overall look of the content devoid of any distraction including other configuration options. The end result is a content presentation that is engaging, visual, and direct.

These basic foundational elements clear the path for the second and third stage which is planned for 2019. The goal is to proceed beyond any post into the page templates and thereby attain complete site customization.

It would be right to say that Gutenberg WordPress is indeed a big change. There would be certain ways to make sure that the existing functionalities would keep on working, as usual, simultaneously allowing the developers proper time and paths for a better transition. Expect new opportunities for the plugin and theme developers to serve better via an enhanced engaging and visual experience using the benefits of the toolset supported by the Core.

Benefits of Gutenberg

Benefits of using Gutenberg
  • There would be reduced dependability on TinyMCE which is surely a good thing. You can expect more compact integration between the core, plugins, editor, and theme developers.
  • WordPress Developers using Gutenberg would experience lesser distraction and increased screen space.
  • The publishers, who are in favor of using the new version of Medium style editing experience, have higher chances to like the Gutenberg WordPress editor.
  • Using blocks would add to the fun quotient. An option of the new alignment is a step forward providing scope for larger resolution screens and full-width responsive and template sites.
  • It is the best companion for mobiles. In the coming months, the number of its users would increase by many folds. The users would have added benefits like doing quick editing on their phone while on the go.
  • The theme and plugin developers would gain access to create personalized blocks.
  • Convenient to use especially for beginners.

On and all Gutenberg WordPress editor has managed to impress its users. This latest in WordPress 2018 is surely for keeps for the future. We are in support to grab a copy of it from the WordPress repository and install it on a staging site. With Gutenberg, we can build the editor which we wanted for a long time. The same experience as in Medium can be experienced in our preferred CMS. The team at Viha Digital Commerce is well versed with this new edition and would surely help its clients to reap its benefits.

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